Gloucester Cathedral
Project Pilgrim
A tomb fit for a king.
Ten years worth of enhancements built to sympathise with the Cathedrals unique existing structure.
A challenging set of unusual restrictions.
One of our challenges was fixing to the fabric of the building, which is listed. Due to the irregular shape and size of the blocks used to build the Cathedral, and the come this issue we used patresses behind objects thatfact that we could only fix to the mortar lines. To over could have fixings anywhere on their face to align pattern..with the mortar joints, and then fixed the objects and graphics to the pattress with a symmetrical fixing.
Another challenge was to operate within a working Cathedral. Our working and break times were scheduled around the 4 services held each day so that during services we were either on a break, or completing only silent works so as not to intrude on the Act of Worship.
Prior to starting building any parts of the installation we produced a set of full size 6mm templates to try in situ to check that design dimensions worked in the actual circulation space, and made any required adjustments prior to manufacture.
Most of the items produced needed to have the ability to be moved within the Cathedral from time to time. To this end we devised a system using retractable wheels and removable plinths, with a tow hitch, to facilitate this.